Broaden your understanding of psychological science.
If your degree in psychological science sparked a desire to dig deeper into a topic, this extra  year includes a research project and additional units for you to really pursue your passion.
You’ll complete coursework components designed to expand your knowledge of statistics and the ethics of psychological research and practice, and undertake a supervised research project that will train you in discipline-specific and generic research skills. The research project forms the basis of a literature review and research paper presented at the end of the course.
You can expect to:
- increase your understanding of theoretical and methodological aspects of research
- develop your analytical, research and communication skills
- provide you with advanced knowledge in specific areas of the science and practice of psychology.
1 year
Course Structure
This course consists of various assessed components – supervised research project, coursework seminars and lectures, and a series of skills workshops. It builds on knowledge gained in the undergraduate psychology major.
- PSY4100 Psychology Honours: Research Project
- PSY4210 Statistics and Data Science for Psychology
- PSY4220 Ethical, legal and professional issues in psychology
- PSY4270 Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- PSY4110 Psychology in Society.
Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) also follow the same course structure.
Entry Requirements
You must have successfully completed Monash’s Bachelor of Psychological Science, Bachelor of Psychological Science and Business, or a bachelor’s degree and a major sequence in psychology accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) or qualification assessed as equivalent by the APAC, with a minimum of a distinction average (70 percent) in core psychology units at the third-year level.