Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine

Excellent healthcare starts with excellent education.

Our course allows you to start your medical studies from day one and equips you with the knowledge, skills and attributes to begin your career as a medical practitioner.

We deliver a world-class education by drawing on Monash’s world-leading expertise in medical practice and research, and the Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences’ particular strengths in the cardiometabolic field, infection and immunity, global public health and neuroscience.

With a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to medical training, this course is equivalent to that offered at Monash’s Australian campus. The selection criteria, learning objectives and assessments are identical.

The Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (BMedSci/MD) is a truly international degree that comes with the opportunity to study at one of the world’s top medical schools and graduate with a qualification to practise medicine in Malaysia, Australia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and India. Many of our graduates have gone on to practise in Australia.

Where you’ll be

Your first two years are spent at our Sunway campus where you quickly develop your clinical skills with contact visits to medical practices, community-care facilities and hospitals, and spend two weeks as a healthcare team member in a rural area.

In years three to five, you’re based at the Clinical School in Johor Bahru, where your clinical studies centre around the Sultanah Aminah Hospital.

Your busy schedule of clinical rotations in year five, ahead of graduation, includes a placement in an Australian hospital.


5 years



Course Structure

This course develops through four themes:

  • personal and professional development
  • population, society, health and illness
  • scientific basis of clinical practice
  • clinical skills.

The areas of study covered include:

  • molecules, cells and tissues
  • human development and growth
  • genomics
  • musculoskeletal system
  • cardiovascular system
  • respiratory system
  • renal and endocrine systems
  • gastrointestinal system
  • neurosciences
  • reproduction
  • human behaviour
  • nutrition
  • geriatrics
  • immunology
  • infectious disease
  • reflective practice
  • research and statistics
  • determinants of health
  • quality assurance
  • public health and population health
  • health systems and health economics
  • patient safety
  • communication skills
  • ethics and law
  • teamwork and leadership
  • professionalism.

Your Career

The career of a doctor involves further training beyond the medical degree. In Malaysia, on completion of the medical course, you’ll need to apply to the Ministry of Health Malaysia to undertake your housemanship in a public hospital. After completing your housemanship, you must complete three years of compulsory service in hospitals and clinics under the Ministry of Health Malaysia.


To be conferred with a specialist degree in surgery, obstetrics, paediatrics, psychiatry or other area, you must undertake further study.

Entry Requirements

Entry Score



Qualification Score
Commencing Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) in 2019/2020* 85%*
A Level GCE 14
Indian School Certificate Examination 80%
All India Senior School Certificate Examination 85%
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB Diploma Program) 36
STPM, Malaysia 10.3
UEC, Malaysia 1.8
Program Matrikulasi (Matriculation Program), Malaysia 3.7
Ontario Secondary School Diploma 91%
Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) 14
UNSW Foundation Studies 9.0


Pre-university qualifications

  • Satisfactory completion of an appropriate pre-university course is required. Results of pre-university studies must be available prior to commencement of the medicine course.
  • Chemistry at Year 12 is a pre-requisite requirement by Monash University and you’ll need to demonstrate a high level of academic achievement in this subject.
  • You’re required to have studied Biology, Chemistry and a third subject which can be either Physics or Math at the pre university level and should have achieved minimum requirements as set by the MMC. If you’re applying with a matriculation, foundation or pre-medical program, the MMC has indicated that you’d need to have obtained a minimum of B at school leaver level (SPM or O-Level) in the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or Additional Mathematics and another subject.
  • Completion of Year 12 studies or relevant qualification within 2 years prior to course commencement date.

International Student Admission Tests (ISAT)

You’re required to undertake the International Student Admissions Test (ISAT). ISAT results will contribute towards the overall ranking for entry into the course.

You must achieve a minimum overall score of 159 in your ISAT to proceed with your course application.


  • Cycle 1: 11 January – 25 January 2021
  • Cycle 2: 17 May – 31 May 2021
  • Cycle 3: 9 August – 23 August 2021
  • Cycle 4: 8 November – 22 November 2021

Adequate performance in Multiple Mini-Interviews

The Multiple Mini Interviews will be conducted in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Melbourne. Other interview sites may also be announced, so please check our website and with local agents. The interview format is designed to evaluate whether you possess the relevant personal qualities to succeed in the medicine course, and you’ll be assessed by trained interviewers. MMI stations will comprise a series of scenarios and associated questions focusing on your relevant personal qualities such as:

  • Motivation
  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Ethical/empathetic reasoning

The MMI consists of four sequential interview stations. At each station, you’ll be interviewed for eight minutes, followed by a two-minute changeover (i.e. 10 minutes per station), with a circuit that takes 40 minutes to complete. If you haven’t been invited to participate, you cannot request for an interview.

Generally the MMI will be conducted in July and November each year and a formal email invitation will be sent to eligible applicants

English Requirements

Sound English language skills are required for all academic programs at Monash. You can demonstrate your English language proficiency through one of the following:

  • Adequate score in Approved English subject at Year 11/Year 12 equivalent qualification, or
  • English Proficiency Tests.

Graduate Applicants

A small number of graduates are considered for entry into the Medicine program at Monash Malaysia. Selection is based on strict criteria which include performance in the first degree and/or pre-university program, Aptitude test( either GAMSAT/MCAT), English and interviews

Final Section

Admission to this course is extremely competitive and with limited number of spaces available. Meeting the minimum academic requirements will not guarantee you entry into the program.

The final ranked list of applicants will be based on the scores in Year 12/ Pre-University examinations, ISAT score, English score and performance at interviews

Internships in Australia

Internship places in Victoria are guaranteed only for Australian citizens and permanent residents who have completed their medical degree in Victoria.  Australian citizens and permanent residents who have completed their medicine degree outside Victoria (including Monash University Malaysia) will find it very difficult to obtain internships in Victoria.

International graduates (i.e. non-Malaysian citizens) are not eligible to work in Malaysia. Although the course is accredited in Australia, it is expected that few graduates would be able to secure a place for work in Australia in the future. It is important that students to explore the work opportunities in their home country before enrolling into the course.

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