Master of Applied Engineering

This course will elevate you to a domain expert in your chosen specialisation. Whether you’re a working professional looking for a competitive edge or a recent graduate, you’ll greatly benefit from this course. Choose from three emerging specialisations in energy and sustainability, oil and fats processing, and industrial and robotics engineering to expand your knowledge […]

Master of Engineering Science (Research)

Delve deeply into engineering challenges and create sustainable solutions. This degree is a truly global research qualification that will give you the grounding to meet challenges of the future. During your candidature, you’ll develop specialised knowledge and skills in your chosen area that will enable you to address national issues and global needs, and improve […]

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Engineering)

Be part of a proud tradition of research excellence. This PhD program consists of an extensive, independent research project in your discipline of choice, supported by a minimum of two academic supervisors throughout your candidature. Your study will result in a research thesis, which makes a valuable contribution to the current body of knowledge on […]

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours)

Set the future in motion. Mechanical engineering is about the efficient use of energy in the design and function of all types of mechanisms, from the simplest to the most complex. It builds on physics, chemistry, materials, mathematics and biology to achieve this goal. You might design automatic control systems, or take charge of the […]

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours)

Build a sustainable future. Civil engineers design and improve infrastructure systems and processes that allow humans and nature to coexist with minimal impact. We need them to design, construct, maintain and operate structures such as multi-storey buildings, bridges, tunnels, commercial complexes, oil rig platforms, water systems, road and traffic systems and foundation supports. Modern society […]

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours)

Lead the development of sustainable processes and products. Many everyday items involve chemical engineering during some stage of their production – electronic devices, food and beverage, petrol, paper, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, to name just a few. As a chemical engineer, you’ll invent, develop and design processes that convert raw materials into useful products with minimal environmental […]

Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours)

Power the future. Electrical and computer systems engineering is an extremely diverse field, encompassing biomedical, computer systems, electronics, electrical power engineering, robotics and telecommunications. It is field that evolves rapidly, with new technologies and techniques being patented every day. It spans all scales of electrical and electronic engineering, from the fundamentals of circuits, electronic signals […]

Bachelor of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering (Honours)

Revolutionise the way we live and work. Robotics and mechatronics is where mechanical and electrical engineering meet, employing computer science and control systems to make devices smarter and more efficient. As a robotics and mechatronics engineer, you could design the control systems for a myriad of applications ranging from autonomous vehicles to miniature robots for […]

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