Master of Electrical Engineering (Structure A) is a full research program where candidates are given unique opportunity to follow their interest in a specialized area of research of Electrical/Electronic Engineering for 1-4 years (depending on the study mode either full-time or part-time) and make an important academic contribution to the knowledge of chosen research area.
Students are given opportunity to experience the role of lab instructor and handling tutorial for Diploma/Foundation/Bachelor student in exchange for discount of fees (subject to approval of the respective semester). Prospective students are future researcher/academician in university and/or research institution, R & D Engineer, Engineering Specialist and techno-pruner.
Entry Requirements
- Bachelors in the relevant domain with Second-Class Upper with honours or CGPA 2.75 (65%) and above, or
- Bachelors in the relevant domain with Second-Class Lower with honours or CGPA 2.50 (60%-64%), and 1 year experience in the domain and at least 1 publication in the domain, or 2 years professional experience in the domain; or
- Bachelors in the relevant domain with CGPA below 2.50 (60%, and 5 years’ experience in the domain); or
- Bachelors in a related domain with Second-Class Upper with honours or CGPA 2.75 (65%) and above, and 1 year experience in the domain (including at least publication in the domain)
Programme Structure
- Renewable Energy and Sustainability,
- Automation and embedded computing system,
- Signal Processing and Control Systems,
- Communications Systems and Networks,
- Radio Frequency and Microwave Engineering,
- System and Machine Intelligence,
- Photonics Technologies,
- Micro and Nano Engineering,
- Distributed Generation,
- Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency,
- Power System Analysis,
- Power Quality, and
- High Voltage Systems
[button href=”” title=”” target=”self” shape=”solidify” size=”x3″ txcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#e84533″ fullwidth=”false”] Tuition fees[/button]