Bachelor of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology with Honours

Program Description The Department emphasizes in-depth knowledge dissemination on the aspects of cell and molecular biology through teaching and research. This includes fundamental and advance theories and techniques of cell manipulation and application. The objective of the programme is to produce student who understand the molecular concept and characteristics of various disciplines of science and […]

Bachelor of Science in Microbiology with Honours

Program Description The curriculum Bachelor of Science (Hons) Major Microbiology is designed carefully to produce graduates with knowledge, technical and soft skills meet the demand of the country, industry and global market. The fundamental and applied courses encompass basic microbiological principles and concepts, bacteriology, virology, mycology, microbial genetics, microbial ecology, immunology, molecular biology, industrial and […]

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry with Honours

Program Description The Department of Biochemistry was established on the 1st of August 2004 which its curriculum comprises fundamental and applied courses including basic biochemistry principles and concepts; metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids; enzymology; cell molecular biology, nutritional biochemistry; plant biochemistry; plant genetic engineering; animal tissues biochemistry and environmental biochemistry. The department […]

Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology with Honours

Program Description Department of Bioprocess Technology is the first department in Malaysia to offer BSc. (Biotechnology) undergraduate programme for the undergraduate study. The main objective is to provide student with knowledge in the field of biotechnology with focus in bioprocess technology for production of biotechnology products and services. The department offers BSc. (Biotechnology) programme of […]

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