Master of Business Information Systems

Behind every successful business is the effective use of data. Information drives businesses. Without it, they cease to function. Whether for day-to-day operations or strategic decision-making, there is an imperative to record, manage and use information. This course prepares you for careers in big data analytics, business intelligence, systems design, planning and management, as well […]

Master of Philosophy

Join the global conversation. The degree allows you to develop in-depth knowledge, expertise and skills through the application of research to business challenges, with support from a minimum of two supervisors throughout your enrolment. You’ll gain experience in the design and implementation of research and make a contribution to an existing body of knowledge by […]

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Be part of a proud tradition of research excellence. This PhD program consists of an extensive, independent research project in your discipline of choice, supported by a minimum of two academic supervisors throughout your candidature. Your study will result in a research thesis, which makes a valuable contribution to the current body of knowledge on […]

Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Commerce

Enrich your business and commerce knowledge. This is a research-centred course with a focus on a number of highly valued key skills within the industry and in academia, and is particularly suited to high achieving students who have completed a relevant undergraduate degree. Throughout your study, you’ll be guided to approach practical problems from a […]

Master of International Business

Lead with a global perspective. Specifically designed for recent graduates and those in the early stages of their career, this course will build on your undergraduate credentials and further strengthen your business skills. This course has a business-oriented focus, seeking to advance your knowledge of the international environment in which firms and their managers operate, […]

Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Honours)

Extend your business knowledge. This additional one-year course to your undergraduate degree offers advanced study in one of the specialist business areas. Research centered with a structured introduction into the conduct of business and economics-related research, this course will enable you to solve practical problems from a broader intellectual perspective. Duration 1 year Intakes February […]

Bachelor of Business and Commerce and Bachelor of Digital Media and Communication

Expand your employability. This double degree offers the opportunity to develop expertise in different but complementary areas with just one extra year of study. You’ll graduate with two qualifications that will give you broad business knowledge, specialised communications skills and the ability to work across a number of industries. It’s a great combination if you’re […]

Bachelor of Business and Commerce

Business, with a global perspective. Commerce is the cornerstone of the modern economy, and this course offers a first-class education in the economic, political, legal, social, cultural and technological principles that exist around the world. This course was developed by Monash academics and researchers from various backgrounds and experiences, and in consultation with industry professionals, […]

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