Bachelor of Science (Food Services Management) (Hons)

Program Description Bachelor of Science (Food Service Management) is designed to achieve the goal line with the UPM to produce quality graduates who are competitive and able to excel through continuous learning and contribute to the development of a healthy and productive society. At the end of the program, the graduate is capable of doing […]

Bachelor of Computer and Communication System Engineering with Honours

Program Description The department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering (CCSE) was established in 1997 as part of the expansion of the Electrical Engineering department. The department has developed tremendously in providing education and training to students in the integrated field of computer and communications engineering, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The department is […]

Bachelor of Process and Food Engineering with Honours

Program Description The Department of Food Service and Management was founded on January 16, 2005, as a result of the restructuring of the Faculty of Food Science and Technology. Initially, the department was responsible to offer the food management and food service courses for the Bachelor of Science (Food Studies) program. Recognizing the demand from […]

Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours

Program Description The Department of Aerospace Engineering was founded in 1996 to support the development of national aerospace industries as proclaimed in the National Blueprint for the Development of the Aerospace Industry in Malaysia.  For these reasons, the Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering was introduced that year which emphasis on aeronautics, and astronautics engineering courses Aerospace […]

Bachelor of Science (Food Studies)(Hons)

Program Description Bachelor of Science (Food Studies) is a comprehensive curriculum that will produce well-trained graduates and professionals in the field of processing, food production, management, and marketing. The program also focuses on the food manufacturing sector. At the end of their study, students can master the knowledge and technical skills sufficient in their respective […]

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours

Program Description The Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering is one of the 8  departments that have been established in the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti  Putra Malaysia.  At this moment, the department offers a degree in Bachelor of    Engineering with options in Mechanical Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering. Besides that, the department also offers programs […]

Bachelor of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering with Honours

Program Description The department is offering a four years study of Bachelor of Engineering (Agricultural and Biosystems) with four specialization options namely Mechanization and Automation; Bioprocess and Environment; Soil and Water Resources; and Bioinformation Systems. The program offered is fully accredited by the Public Service Department Malaysia, Board of Engineers Malaysia, and the Institution of Engineers […]

Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with Honours

Program Description The bachelor program offered has obtained accreditation from the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) Malaysia. The bachelor program prepares the students for work in all major Electrical and Electronic Engineering fields including Electrical Power Engineering, Control Engineering and Microelectronic Engineering. This department also offers programs at Masters and PhD level (with thesis) in various […]

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours

Program Description This department was established in August 1996 and after 15 years of existence, we have come to a high level of excellence in academic and research performance. This is reflected in the last 4 year’s of achievement where the department has continuously maintained the 5 Star rating and also the Overall Best Department in 2009. The department is also among one […]

Bachelor of Food Science and Technology(Hons)

Program Description Bachelor of Food Science and Technology ( BSTM ) offers five ( 5 ) areas of specialization of Processing and Food Engineering, Food Biotechnology, Food Safety, and Quality Assurance, Functional Foods and Nutrition, and Entrepreneurship. The program will produce graduates who are knowledgeable, skilled, and viable in the performance of work for a […]

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