Bachelor of Consumer Studies (Hons)
Program Description The Bachelor of Consumer Studies program is based on the philosophy of creating a civil society that is informed, responsible, ethical, and proactive towards consumer aspects to improve market justice in the context of sustainable development towards improving the quality of life. The field of Consumer Science integrates various disciplines of pure and […]
Bachelor of Science (Human Development) (Hons)
Program Description The Bachelor of Science (Human Development) is designed based on the philosophy that human growth and development are influenced by the interaction and transaction processes of various elements in the micro and macro systems. The Ecology perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding human beings in the context in order to produce excellent and […]
Bachelor of Music (Hons)
Program Description The Bachelor of Music (Music Performance) program [(BM)] covers a variety of courses with an emphasis on Music Performance, Music Technology, and Music Education with the aim of producing skilled and knowledgeable professional musicians. In addition, students can also be members of the Orchestra, Gamelan Group, and Malay Pergendangan and Keroncong Group. The […]
Bachelor of Environmental Management (Hons)
Program Description The Bachelor of Environmental Management Programme is designed with the objectives of producing skilled and trained graduates in the field of environmental management; oriented toward problem-solving by consideration and analysis of relevant aspects of bio-physical, economic, and social sciences; able to manage the use of technology to improve the quality of life in […]
Bachelor of Environmental Science and Technology (Hons)
Program Description The Department offers a four-year program leading to a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science. This degree is at the honors level and is recognized as a professional degree by the Malaysian Public Services Department. A semester system is followed and there are two semesters a year, starting in July and December, each of […]
Bachelor of Parks and Recreation Science with Honors
Program Description The objective of this program is to produce trained personnel in the field of park management and recreation and eco-tourism to meet the needs of the country. Students will be exposed to concepts, theories, and methods based on the latest information, materials, and technologies in the fields of recreational science and ecotourism. The […]
Bachelor of Wood Science and Technology (Hons)
Program Description The Bachelor of Wood Science and Technology (B. Wood Sc. Tech.) was introduced in 2006 to meet the critical needs of the timber industry in Malaysia (although courses in wood science and technology have existed since 1971). The objective of this program is to produce trained manpower in the field of wood processing […]
Bachelor of Forestry Science (Forestry) (Hons) (Bintulu, Sarawak)
Program Description The objective of this program is to train students in forestry. Graduates from this program are equipped with the knowledge and skills to manage forest resources, the timber industry, and recreational resources as well as efficient tourism based on the principles of sustainable forest management. The duration of study of the Forest Science […]
Bachelor of Forestry Science (Hons)
Program Description The Bachelor of Forestry Science (B. For. Sc.) is one of the three undergraduate programs offered at the Faculty of Forestry since 1973. The objective of the program is to produce graduates who are professionally trained to assess, plan and manage forest resources as well as the implementation of various activities in the […]
Bachelor of Science (Food Manufacturing Operation) (Hons)
Program Description Unprecedented growth in the food service industry has created a demand for food service business leaders and managers. Thus the program is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skill and ability to take up challenges in managing the diverse food service management activities. In order to produce high-performing food service business leaders […]