عن البرنامج
نظرًا لأهمية أدوارهم في إدارة المخاطر وضمان الاستقرار المالي ، يحتاج الخبراء الاكتواريون إلى عقول رياضية رشيقة ومهارات تحليلية حادة. علاوة على المهارات التقنية القوية ، يبرز برنامج العلوم الاكتوارية بالكلية لمنح طلابها ميزة طويلة الأجل في حياتهم المهنية من خلال إعدادهم لامتحانات المجالس المهنية مثل جمعية الاكتواريين (SoA). اجتاز العديد من طلابنا أربعة من اختبارات SoA الخمسة الأولية أثناء دراستهم الجامعية مع UCSI.
مدة الدراسة
3 سنوات
وضع الدراسه
الحرم الجامعي
Kuala Lumpur
يناير ومايو وسبتمبر
الآفاق المهنية
- Actuarial Executive
- Enterprise Risk Analyst
- Bank Executive
- Financial Analyst
- Financial Planning Advisor
- Entrepreneur
المواد الدراسية
Year 1
- Statistics and its Application
- Business Accounting
- Risk Management and Insurance
- Mathematics 1
- Probability Theory
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Co-Operative Placement 1
Year 2
- Financial Management 1
- Mathematical Statistics
- Introduction to Stochastic Process
- Applied Statistical Models
- Mathematics of Interest Rate
- Life Contingencies 1
- Mathematics of Financial Derivatives
- Visual Basic. Net
- Co-Operative Placement 2
Year 3
- Loss Models
- Life Contingencies 2
- Independent Project 1
- Stochastic Calculus for Insurance and Finance
- Independent Project 2
- Statistical Methods for Insurance
- Credibility Theory
- Co-Operative Placement 3
متطلبات الدخول
UCSI Foundation year
Minimum CGPA 2.0 including Mathematics
A pass in STPM with a minimum Grade (C) (CGPA 2.0) in any two subjects, and a pass in Mathematics and English at SPM level.
Minimum 2 principals (D) including Mathematics
Minimum 5 credits (B6) including Mathematics
National Matriculation
Minimum CGPA of 2.0 including Mathematics
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Minimum score of 26 points in 6 subjects including Mathematics
Canadian Pre-U
Minimum average of 60% in 6 subjects inclusive of Mathematics
Minimum average of 60% in 5 subjects inclusive of Mathematics
Other qualifications deemed equivalent to STPM/A-Level by Malaysian Qualifications Agency
Minimum overall average of 60% including Mathematics
Diploma (Business-related)
Minimum CGPA of 2.0 Including Mathematics
Other equivalent qualifications
To be reviewed by the faculty on a case-to-case basis
Pearson Test of English
[button href=”https://edu.pioneer4ss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/UCSI-Fee.pdf” title=”” target=”self” shape=”solidify” size=”x3″ txcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#e84533″ fullwidth=”false”]الرسوم الدراسية[/button]