بكالوريوس الطب ، بكالوريوس الجراحة (M.B. ، BS)

عن البرنامج

هناك مرحلتان في المنهج ؛ مرحلة العلوم الطبية (المرحلة الأولى) وهي أول عامين من الدراسة ، والمرحلة السريرية (المرحلة الثانية) والتي يتم تنفيذها في ثلاث سنوات لاحقة من الدراسة. تم تصميم كل مرحلة بحيث تحتوي على أربع مجموعات ويتم إعادة تجميع الوحدات / الترحيلات وإعادة ترتيبها على النحو التالي.

تتكون مرحلة العلوم الطبية ، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم مرحلة ما قبل الإكلينيكية ، من أربع كتل هي الكتلة 1 (الأساس في العلوم الطبية) ، والكتلة 2 (مقدمة في العلوم السلوكية والطب السريري والمجتمعي) ، والربع 3 (النظام الطبي القائم على النظام. العلوم 1) والخانة 4 (العلوم الطبية القائمة على النظام 2).

تتكون المرحلة السريرية أيضًا من 4 كتل تمتد على مدى 3 سنوات. تم تصنيف هذه الكتل على أنها الكتلة 5 (تدريب المبتدئين) ، والكتلة 6 (التدريب المتخصص 1) ، والكتلة 7 (التدريب المتخصص 2) ، والمربع 8 (التدريب المهني الأول). لمحتويات كل كتلة ، يرجى الرجوع إلى الوحدات أدناه. طوال 5 سنوات من الدراسة ، تم أيضًا دمج الموضوعات المتعلقة بتنمية المهارات اللينة مثل مهارات الاتصال ، والعلوم السلوكية ، وبناء الفريق ، والتفكير النقدي ، وحل المشكلات ، والقيادة ، والإدارة.

برنامج SEGi MBBS معترف به من قبل المجالس الطبية والهيئات التنظيمية في تايلاند وباكستان وجزر المالديف وقطر.


الحرم الجامعي

Kota Damansara


مدة الدراسة

5 سنوات


وضع الدراسه

دوام كامل



يناير / أبريل / أغسطس


فرص العمل

إذا كنت ترغب في العمل كطبيب في ماليزيا ، فبعد التخرج ، يتعين عليك إكمال برنامج السكن في المستشفيات العامة التي تنظمها وزارة الصحة في ماليزيا. بعد الانتهاء من الخدمة المنزلية ، يمكنك الالتحاق ببرنامج درجة متخصصة للدراسات العليا في مجال الطب وفقًا لاختيارك المفضل للمسار الوظيفي الذي سيصبح واضحًا مع تقدمك في برنامج MBBS لمدة خمس سنوات.


المواد الدراسية

Medical Sciences Phase (Year 1 & 2)

Block 1: Foundation in Medical Sciences

Human Anatomy
Human Physiology
Basic Biochemistry
General Pathology
Basic Pharmacology
Medical Microbiology
Medical Immunology

Block 2: Introduction to Behavioural Science, Clinical and Community Medicine

Introduction to Community Medicine & Biostatistics
Research Methodology & Mini Research Project
Clinical Methods & Medical Ethics
Introduction to Behavioural Sciences

Block 3: System-Based Medical Sciences I

Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Haematopoietic System
Gastrointestinal & Hepatobiliary System

Block 4: System-Based Medical Sciences II

Endocrine System
Genitourinary System
Central Nervous System
Musculoskeletal & Connective Tissue System

Clinical Phase (Year 3, 4 & 5)

Block 5: Junior Clerkship

Clinical Foundation & Basic Life Support
Internal Medicine 1
General Surgery

Block 6: Speciality Clerkship I

General Paediatrics
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1
Orthopaedics & Emergency

Block 7: Speciality Clerkship II

Community Based Medicine
Psychiatry, Rehabilitation & Palliative Care
Combined Specialities Postings:
• Ophthalmology
• Otolaryngology
• Forensic Medicine
• Anaesthesiology

Block 8: Senior Clerkship

Internal Medicine 2
Surgery & Critical Care
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2
Paediatrics & Neonatology

متطلبات الدخول


All applicants who enter a matriculation, foundation or pre-medical programme, except those with a degree qualification in the arts of humanities, shall have passed and attained a minimum of the following at School Certificate level or its equivalent:
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with 5 Bs each in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics), and another subject, OR
General Certificate of Education Ordinary “O-Levels” with 5 Bs each in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics), and another subject.

All applicants with a Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) who enter a matriculation, foundation or pre-medical programme, except those with a degree qualification in arts or humanities, shall have passed and attained a minimum of B4 each in 3 subjects.
Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) with B4 each in 3 subjects in Biology, Chemistry, Physics (or Mathematics or Additional Mathematics).

All applicants, except those with a degree qualification in the arts or humanities, shall have passed and attained a minimum of the following at:

a) Higher School Certificate or its equivalent:

Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM); grades BBB, ABC or AAC in 3 subjects i.e. Biology, and Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics, OR
GCE A-Levels; grades BBB, ABC or AAC in 3 subjects i.e. Biology, and Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics, OR
Matriculation, Foundation in Science, Pre-Medical Course; CGPA 3.0 (out of 4) in 3 subjects i.e. Biology, and Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics, provided no score for any subject is less than C (GPA 2.0) and provided the course in not less than 1 year in the same accredited institution and the minimum entry qualification is 5 Bs each in Biology, and Chemistry, and Physics, and Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics), and another subject at School Certificate level or its equivalent, OR
United Education Certificate (UEC); B4 each in 5 subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Additional Mathematics, OR
Monash University Foundation Pre-University Programme (MUFY), University of New South Wales (UNSW) Foundation, Western Australia Curriculum Council, HSC Sydney Australia, Trinity College Foundation Studies, Australian Universities Foundation Programmes, South Australian Matriculation (SAM), Victorian Certificate of Education Australia Year 12, Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT); aggregate or the equivalent of B in 3 subjects i.e. Biology, and Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics; or 80% ATAR
provided the subjects include Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics, OR
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) level 3 or New Zealand Bursary, average of 80% in any 3 subjects i.e. Biology, and Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics, OR
Canadian Pre-University (CPU) or Canadian International Matriculation Program (CIMP/Canadian Grade 12/13) or Ontario Secondary School Diploma Grade 12; average of 80% in 3 subjects i.e. Biology, and Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics, OR
Indian Pre-University; average 70% in 3 subjects i.e. Biology, and Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics, OR
International Baccalaureate; 30 points with a minimum of 2 science subjects or Mathematics at Higher Level (HL) and 1 science subject at Standard Level and attained a minimum score of 4 each in Biology, and Chemistry, and Physics (or Mathematics).


b) Diploma Level

Diploma in Health Science; CGPA 3.5 (out of 4), and provided the course is not less than 5 semesters or 2½ years in the same accredited institution and the minimum entry qualification is 2 Bs in Biology, and/or Chemistry, and/or Physics and 3 credits each in English, and Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics), and another subject at School Certificate Level or its equivalent.


c) Degree Level:

Degree in Health or Pure or Applied Sciences; CGPA 3.0 (out of 4), 5-year medical programme, OR
Degree in Health or Pure or Applied Sciences; CGPA 3.3 (out of 4), 4-year graduate entry medical programme, OR
Degree in the Arts of Humanities; CGPA 3.5 (out of 4), 5-year medical programme, OR
Degree in the Arts of Humanities; CGPA 3.75 (out of 4), 4-year graduate entry medical programme.


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