عن البرنامج
ينتج هذا البرنامج علماء كمبيوتر يتمتعون بخبرة علمية وحوسبة متخصصة كافية يمكنهم العمل بفعالية في فرق متعددة التخصصات لتوصيل الأفكار المبتكرة التي تعمل على تحسين جودة الحياة.
الحرم الجامعي
مدة الدراسة
1½ سنوات
وضع الدراسه
فبراير / مايو / سبتمبر
رسوم البرنامج
17000 رينجيت ماليزي (ماليزي).
18000 رينجيت ماليزي (دولي).
فرص العمل
- Systems manager
- Information analyst
- Software engineer
- Web engineer
- Data warehouse consultant
- User interface designer
- Systems specialist
- IT consultant
- Policy advisor
- Project manager
- Academician
المواد الدراسية
Core Courses
(25 Credits)
- Advanced Algorithms (3 credits)
- Artificial Intelligence Analysis and Design (3 credits)
- Simulation and Modelling Techniques (3 credits)
- Discrete Structure (3 credits)
- Functional Programming Language (3 credits)
- Computer Science Master Project 1 (4 credits)*
- Computer Science Master Project 2 (6 credits)*
University Courses
(6 Credits)
- Graduate Seminar (1 credit)
- Research Methodology and Academic Writing (3 credits)
- Current Issues in Computing (2 credits)
Elective Courses
(5 Credits) – Choose 3
- Cloud Computing
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Advance Machine Learning
- Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems
- Current Practices in Cyber Security
* Master Project
(10 Credits)
- Abundant Data Applications, Algorithms, and Architectures
- Data Science Research
- Information Security and Cryptography
- Security of Computer Systems and Support for Digital Democracy
- Programming Languages, Software Engineering and Mobile Computing
- Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems
- Internet of Things
- Graphics and Visual Computing
متطلبات الدخول
No | Certificate | Requirement |
1 | BSc in computing or science & technology | CGPA ≥ 2.75; OR |
2 | BSc in computing or science & technology | 2.5 ≥ CGPA < 2.75 (applications will be considered on an individual basis); OR |
3 | BSc in computing or science & technology | CGPA < 2.5 (with minimum 5 years relevant industry experience); OR |
4 | BSc (in non computing or science & technology) | Required To Take Pre-requisite Courses |
No | Certificate | Requirement |
1 | IGCSE | Minimum Pass; OR |
2 | MUET | Minimum band 3 (5 years validity); OR |
3 | IELTS | Minimum band 5.0 (2 years validity); OR |
4 | TOEFL | Minimum score of 550 (2 years validity); OR |
5 | Other | Other equivalent qualification recognised by the Malaysian Government |
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