إذا كنت مهتمًا بالحصول على أحدث المهارات التقنية في برمجة الكمبيوتر وتطبيق التكنولوجيا المبتكرة ، فهذا هو البرنامج المثالي لك. سيتم تزويد الطلاب بمعرفة متعمقة وعملية لمبادئ تصميم البرامج وتطويرها بالإضافة إلى الجوانب التشغيلية والتقنية الرئيسية للحوسبة. سيتقن الطلاب أيضًا مهارات الصناعة ذات الصلة مثل التحليل والتصميم والبرمجة وبناء البرامج وصيانة التطورات الجديدة.
مدة الدراسة
3 سنة
وضع الدراسه
الحرم الجامعي
Kuala Lumpur
يناير ومايو وسبتمبر
نبذة عن البرنامج
نسبة المقرر الدراسي ونسبة الامتحان التحريري.
الآفاق المهنية
- Software Engineers
- System Analysts
- Database Developers
- Database Administrators
- Network Administrators
- Web Developers
- Computer Games Developers
- IT Consultants
- Artificial Intelligence Specialists
- IT Support Engineers
المواد الدراسية
Year 1
- Introduction to Programming
- Discrete Mathematics
- Computer Organisation and Architecture
- Database Management Systems
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
- Database Administration
- Introduction to Internet Technologies
- Co-Operative Placement 1
Year 2
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Mobile Commerce
- Introduction to Human Computer Interaction
- Operating Systems
- Database Design
- Research Methods in Computing
- Networking
- Software Project Management
- Multimedia Programming
- Business System Development Tools
- Cloud Computing
- Database Technology
Year 3
- Programming for Computer Science
- Object-Oriented Methods
- Project Formulation
- Application Layer Programming
- Network Security Design
- Business Case Project
- Project Design and Implementation
- Intelligent Systems
- Web Programming
- Co-Operative Placement 2
- Co-Operative Placement 3
For Malaysian students:
- Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations
- Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
For foreign students:
- Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
- Communication in Bahasa Melayu 3
Entry Requirement
UCSI Foundation year
CGPA of 2.0, and credit (C) in Additional Mathematics or credit (C) in Mathematics and one of the Science, Technology or Engineering subjects at SPM level.
(Science stream) CGPA of 2.0 and Credit (C ) in Mathematics and one Science/ICT
(Non-science stream) CGPA of 2.0 and Credit (C ) in Additional Mathematics or Mathematics and STEM subject at SPM/O level
(Science stream) Minimum (D) in Mathematics and one Science/ICT
(Non-science stream) Minimum D in any 2 subjects and Credit (C ) in Additional Mathematics or Mathematics and STEM subject at SPM/O level
Minimum 5 credits (B6), including Additional Mathematics
National Matriculation
CGPA of 2.0, and credit (C) in Additional Mathematics or credit (C) in Mathematics and one of the Science, Technology or Engineering subjects at SPM level.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Minimum score of 26 points in 6 subjects, inclusive minimum Credit (C) in Additional Mathematics at SPM/O-Level/equivalent
Canadian Pre-U
Minimum average of 60% in 6 subjects, inclusive of minimum 60% score in Mathematics and minimum Credit (C) in Additional Mathematics at SPM/O-Level/equivalent
Minimum average of 60% in 5 subjects, inclusive of minimum 60% score in Mathematics and minimum Credit (C) in Additional Mathematics at SPM/O-Level/equivalent
Australian Year 12
Credit (C ) in Mathematics and Science subject
Other qualifications deemed equivalent to STPM/A-Level by Malaysian Qualifications Agency
Minimum overall average of 60% inclusive of minimum 60% score in Additional Mathematics
Diploma programmes (Computing and ICT-related diploma)
CGPA 2.5
Pearson Test of English
Band 3
[button href=”https://edu.pioneer4ss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/UCSI-Fee.pdf” title=”” target=”self” shape=”solidify” size=”x3″ txcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#e84533″ fullwidth=”false”]الرسوم الدراسية[/button]