عن البرنامج
تم تصميم هذا البرنامج كاستجابة لحاجة المجتمع للمهنيين المؤهلين تأهيلا عاليا مع تدريب خاص في مجال الحوسبة. سيتم إعداد الخريجين لشغل مناصب عليا في تطوير البحث وتقديم الخدمات للصناعات والمؤسسات محليًا وعالميًا.
الحرم الجامعي
مدة الدراسة
3-4 سنة
وضع الدراسه
التسجيل مفتوح طوال العام
رسوم البرنامج
22000 رينجيت ماليزي (ماليزي).
23100 رينجيت ماليزي (دولي).
فرص العمل
- Systems manager
- Information analyst
- Software engineer
- Web engineer
- Data warehouse consultant
- User interface designer
- Systems specialist
- IT consultant
- Policy advisor
- Project manager
- Academician
المواد الدراسية
Compulsory Courses
- Research Methodology and Academic Writing
Publication Requirement
- ONE (1) Publication in ANY JOURNAL
Fields Of Research
We shall accept the research projects consisting of, but not limited to the following knowledge areas in computer science:
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and
Intelligent Systems - Internet of Things (IoT)
- Cloud Computing and Edge Computing
- Robotic Systems
- Networking and Communication
- Data Science and Big Data
- Database, Data Mining and Data Warehousing
- Algorithms, Blockchain, Data Applications and Architecture
- Information Security and Cryptography
- Security of Computer Systems and Support for Digital Democracy
- Cyber Physical Systems
- Semantic Technology
- Programming Languages, Software Engineering and Mobile Computing
- Image Processing
- Graphics and Visual Computing
- AR, VR, UI/UX, Game Design and Interactive Apps
- Business and e-Commerce
متطلبات الدخول
No | Certificate | Requirement |
1 | Master in Computing or Equivalent | Candidates are required to have at least one BSc or MSc in computing; OR |
2 | Other Msc Equivalent Qualification | Subject to Approval by UNIMY Senate |
No | Certificate | Requirement |
1 | IGCSE | Minimum Pass; OR |
2 | MUET | Minimum band 3 (5 years validity); OR |
3 | IELTS | Minimum band 5.0 (2 years validity); OR |
4 | TOEFL | Minimum score of 550 (2 years validity); OR |
5 | Other | Other equivalent qualification recognised by the Malaysian Government |
[button href=”https://edu.pioneer4ss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022-UNIMY-FEES.pdf” title=”” target=”self” shape=”solidify” size=”x3″ txcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#e84533″ fullwidth=”false”]الرسوم الدراسية[/button]