عن البرنامج
ينتج البرنامج مطوري ألعاب مبدعين لمنصات سطح المكتب والجوال قادرين على استكشاف أفكار الألعاب من خلال عالم الخيال اللامتناهي وتحويلها من مفاهيم إلى واقع افتراضي. سيتعرف الطلاب على المجالات الأساسية لتطوير الألعاب مثل الفن والتصميم المرئي وتصميم الألعاب والبرمجة والإنتاج وكذلك التسويق. يتعلم الطلاب من خلال الخبرة العملية حيث يتم منحهم فرصة لإنشاء وعرض عينات العمل الخاصة بهم في نهاية البرنامج. يوفر هذا للطلاب منصة لممارسة مواهبهم ومهاراتهم.
الحرم الجامعي
مدة الدراسة
3 سنوات
وضع الدراسه
فبراير / مايو / سبتمبر
رسوم البرنامج
19000 رينجيت ماليزي (ماليزي).
23000 رينجيت ماليزي (دولي).
فرص العمل
- Concept Artist
- Games Programmer
- Games Designer
- Mobile Games Developer
- Games Producer
- 2D Artist and Animator
- 3D Modeller and Animator
المواد الدراسية
Year 1
Semester 1
- Introduction to Computing
- Problem Solving and Programming
- History of Arts
- Introduction to Arts and Design
- Introduction to Drawing
- Cognitive Process and Problem Solving
Semester 2
- Computing Mathematics 1
- Cyberpreneurship
- Visual Studies
- Introduction to Computer Games
- Game Programming 1
Semester 3
- Introduction to Creative Thinking
- Pengajian Malaysia II
- Issues in the Malaysian Economy
Year 2
Semester 1
- Database Management Systems
- Computing Mathematics 2
- Game Programming 2
- Game Mathematics and Physics
- 2G Graphics and Animation
Semester 2
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Game Artificial Intelligence
- Character Design
- 3D Game Design and Development
- Elective 1*
Semester 3
- Effective Communications – Workplace and Persuasive Presentation
- Fundamentals for Creative Professionals
- Co-curriculum*
Year 3
Semester 1
- Mobile Game Programming
- Game Production and Publishing
- Final Year Project
- Elective 2*
Semester 2
- Practical Training
Elective & Co-Curriculum
Elective subjects* (Choose 2)
- Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
- Networking Fundamentals 3
- Basic Concepts of Marketing
- Introduction to Audio Design
- Web Application Development
- Issues in the Malaysian Economy
Co-curriculum* (Choose 1)
- Martial Arts and Self Defense
- Community Service
متطلبات الدخول
No | Certificate | Requirement |
1 | SPM / SPMV | Pass SPM / SPVM with at least Credit in any 3 Subjects; OR |
2 | IGCSE / O-LEVEL | Pass IGCSE / O-LEVEL with a minimum of Grade C in any 3 Subjects inclusive of Mathematics; OR |
3 | SKM Level 3 | Pass SKM LEVEL 3 in a related field and required to attend a bridging programme; OR |
4 | UEC | Pass UEC with a minimum of Grade B in any 3 Subjects inclusive of Mathematics; OR |
5 | Other | Other equivalent qualification recognised by the Malaysian Government |
No | Certificate | Requirement |
1 | SPM / SPMV | Minimum Pass; OR |
2 | IGCSE | Minimum Pass; OR |
3 | MUET | Minimum band 2 (5 years validity); OR |
4 | IELTS | Minimum band 4.0 (2 years validity); OR |
5 | TOEFL | Minimum score of 397 (2 years validity); OR |
6 | Other | Other equivalent qualification recognised by the Malaysian Government |
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