بكالوريوس هندسة ميكانيكية مع مرتبة الشرف
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours – INTI
تطوير المعرفة والمهارات اللازمة لتقديم مساهمة ذات مغزى في الصناعة وشغل المناصب الفنية في الهندسة الميكانيكية والقطاعات الأخرى.
تهتم الهندسة الميكانيكية بالاستخدام الفعال للطاقة في تصميم وتشغيل جميع أشكال الآليات ، من أبسطها إلى أكثرها تقدمًا. يحقق هذا الغرض من خلال الجمع بين الفيزياء والكيمياء وعلوم المواد والرياضيات وعلم الأحياء.
يمكنك أن تكون مسؤولاً عن تشغيل مبنى ذكي أو تصميم أنظمة التحكم الآلي. يمكنك إدارة إمدادات المياه في الولاية ، أو بناء توربينات الرياح ، أو إنشاء منتجات عالية الكفاءة ومنخفضة التكلفة للبلدان المتخلفة.
متطلبات القبول
Entry Level | Entry Requirements |
STPM | Minimum 2C including Mathematics and Physics |
A Levels | Minimum “Good Principal Passes” C and above for Mathematics and Physics Note: “PASS GRADE D – Subject to approval from HOP & Registrar with remedial Classes” |
UEC | Minimum 5 credits, including Mathematics and Physics |
Local Matriculation | Minimum CGPA 2.0 |
Foundation from other University / College | Minimum CGPA 2.0 |
WAEC/NECO | Maximum aggregate of 15 points out of best 5 subjects, inclusive of minimum B’s in Mathematics and Physics |
Diploma / Advance Diploma / Degree / equivalent | Pass Subject to School discretion after reviewing transcript & syllabus. Max credit transfer of 30% of the program total credits |
Other qualifications deemed equivalent to STPM / A-Level by Malaysian Qualifications Agency | Minimum overall average of 65%, inclusive of minimum 65% in Mathematics and Physics |
International Baccalaureate | Minimum 26/42 points from 6 subjects (inclusive Mathematics & Physics / Chemistry) |
SACE International | Minimum average of 65% in 5 subjects, inclusive of minimum scores of 65% in Mathematics and Physics |
المنهج التدريسي
Programme can be completed in 4 Years.
Year 1
- Electrical Circuits
- Engineering Drawing
- Engineering Materials
- Engineering Mathematics 1
- Engineering Mathematics 2
- Engineering Perspectives
- Engineering Statics
- Introduction to Programming
- University English
Year 2
- Analytical Methods
- Electronics & Microprocessor
- Electrical Power & Machines
- Engineering Dynamics
- Fluid Mechanics 1
- Fluid Mechanics 2
- Machine Drawing
- Solid Mechanics
- Thermodynamics 1
- Thermodynamics 2
Year 3
- Design of Machine Elements
- Engineering Design Project
- Engineering Economics
- Heat Transfer
- Industrial Training
- Instrumentation & Control
- Manufacturing Processes
- Mechanics and Materials
- Operations and Quality Management
Year 4
- Engineering Elective 1
- Engineering Elective 2
- Final Year Project
- Professional Practice
- Project Management & Product Development
- Sustainable Energy Systems
- Vibration
General elective** subjects
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
- Computational Thermofluids
- Embedded Systems 1
- Ergonomics
- Finite Element Method
- Hydraulics and Pneumatics
- Manufacturing Systems
- Robotics
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Corrosion Science and Engineering
Oil and Gas elective** subjects
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
- Computational Thermofluids
- Corrosion Science and Engineering
MPU Subjects
- Bahasa Kebangsaan A*
- Community Service
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Ethnic Relations (Local students) / Malay Communication 2 (International students)
- Islamic & Asian Civilisation (Local students)/ Malaysian Studies (International students)
- Design Thinking
الحرم الجامعي
INTI International University
- INTI International University
يناير – مايو – اغسطس
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