عن البرنامج
مثالي للطلاب الذين لديهم فضول ويستمتعون بالتعلم المستمر وتحليل السلوك والتفكير. يبرز هذا البرنامج لمزجه الفعال من النظريات ذات المستوى العالمي والتعلم العملي الذي يوفر فهمًا أكبر للعقول والعواطف والسلوكيات البشرية. يمنح التركيز على المهارات اللينة مثل الاتصال والقيادة الطلاب ميزة إضافية من حيث قابلية التوظيف في المستقبل في مجالات العمل الاجتماعي والاستشارات والقانون والعلوم السياسية والموارد البشرية
مدة الدراسة
3 سنوات
وضع الدراسه
الحرم الجامعي
Kuala Lumpur
يناير ومايو وسبتمبر
الآفاق المهنية
- Public Relations
- Child Development Specialist
- Human Resources
- Management Consultant
- Psychologist
- Political Analyst
المواد الدراسية
Year 1
- Hubungan Etnik (Local) OR Malaysian Studies (International)
- Tamadun Islam and Tamadun Asia (Local) OR Bahasa Komunikasi 3 (International)
- University Life
- Introduction of Psychology
- Positive Psychology
- Extra-curricular Learning Experience 1
- Statistics for Psychology
- Lifespan Development
- Social Psychology
- Religions in Malaysia
- Co-Operative Placement 1
Liberal Arts Electives (Choose THREE)
- Critical Issues in the Contemporary World
- Future Directions, Futurecasting
- Persuasive Speech
- Thinking and Being
Year 2
- Psychological Research Methods 1
- Psychological Research Methods 2
- Neuropsychology
- Cognitive Psychology
- Extra-curricular Learning Experience 2
- Personality Theories
- Psychological Testing and Measurement
- Counselling Theories and Techniques
- Educational Psychology
- Health Psychology
- Co-Operative Placement 2
Psychology Electives (Choose THREE)
- Human Sexuality
- Family and Marriage
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Expressive Therapy
- Media Psychology and Technology
- Sport Psychology
Year 3
- Industrial and Organisational Psychology
- Abnormal Psychology
- Independent Project A
- Extra-curricular Learning Experience 3
- Philosophical Issues in Psychology
- Ethics and Professional Issues in Psychology
- Cross-Cultural Psychology
- Independent Project B
- Entrepreneurial Psychology
- Professional Development in Psychology
- Co-Operative Placement 3
متطلبات الدخول
Pass with a minimum of Grade C (GP 2.0) in any TWO subjects or its equivalent.
Pass with a minimum grade of Jayyid in STAM or its equivalent.
Pass with a minimum grade of D in any TWO subjects in A-Level or its equivalent
Pass with a minimum of Grade B in FIVE subjects for UEC
Diploma in ECE (Level 4, MQF) or its equivalent
Pass with a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Any qualifications equivalent to Diploma (Level 4, MQF) or Advanced Diploma (Level 5, MQF)
Pass with a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Executive Diploma from University of Malaya (Level 4, MQF) in related fields
Pass with a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Matriculation/Foundation or its equivalent
Pass with a minimum CGPA of 2.0
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
30 points
Diploma in Psychology
Completed (minimum CGPA 2.0/4.0)
Diploma in Psychology or equivalent
Completed (minimum CGPA 2.0/4.0)
Pearson Test of English
Band 3