بكالوريوس (مع مرتبة الشرف) في العلوم المائية


تغطي المياه أكثر من 70٪ من سطح الأرض. وهي موطن لملايين الأنواع المائية. والأهم من ذلك، أنه يحافظ على حياة الإنسان. ويجب إدارة مورد لا يقدر بثمن بمسؤولية، وقد بدأ هذا البرنامج على هذا الأساس بالذات.يزود البرنامج الطلاب بالدراية اللازمة لتطوير حلول لكوكب دائم التغير. يمكنك أن تتطلع إلى تطوير أساس متين في العلوم الأساسية مثل الكيمياء التحليلية وعلم الأحياء المجهرية والكيمياء الهيكلية والإحصاءات قبل الخوض في الدراسة المكثفة للرصد والتقييم البيئي والتنوع البيولوجي المائي والتأنيم والمبادئ في التلوث المائي وعلم السموم ، من بين أمور أخرى كثيرة. كما ستستمتع بطريقتين مختلفتين للتخصص في عامك الأخير حيث ستختار الصحة المائية والإدارة أو معالجة المأكولات البحرية وسلامتها. كما تعد الأبحاث عنصرا مهما في البرنامج وستتسنح لك الفرصة للتركيز على الإدارة القائمة على النظام الإيكولوجي وإدارة الموارد الطبيعية وتربية الأحياء المائية.


مدة الدراسة

3  سنة


وضع الدراسه



الحرم الجامعي

Kuala Lumpur



يناير ومايو وسبتمبر


نبذة عن البرنامج

* This programme received a 100% graduate employability score in the Ministry of Higher Education’s Graduate Employability 2020. (Source: ge.mohe.gov.my/)


الآفاق المهنية

Often called marine biologists, aquatic biologists or aquatic ecologists, researchers study the creatures found in aquatic environments. They usually spend their time teaching, gathering data, and conducting experiments

Use marine organisms to develop human medicines and other health aids

Environmental Planners
These professionals work with governments, as well as builders and other private companies to ensure that development does not encroach on fragile aquatic and wetland environments

They maintain exhibits at large public aquariums, while also teaching their colleagues and other interested people about aquariums and aquatic exhibits

They help doctors take care of animals, and some of them specialise in the care of fish and other aquatic animals

Fish and Game Warden
They monitor wilderness areas, manage native species, and ensure that hunters and fishermen comply with state and federal laws (as well as any additional local regulations)

Aquaculture Farmer
They raise fish and shellfish for a variety of uses such as food, bait, or breeding stock. Basic animal care, water quality maintenance, and personnel management duties may be a part of an aquaculture farmer’s responsibilities (both technician and management positions are available in the aquaculture industry)

Food Scientists/Quality Control Inspectors

ensure that products (seafood) meet standards of quality and safety



المواد الدراسية


Extra-curricular Learning Experience 1


Chemistry 1

University Life

Chemistry 2

Structural Biochemistry


Analytical Chemistry

Fundamentals of Management

Co-Operative Placement 1



Extra-curricular Learning Experience 2

Ecology and Sustainability

Business Communication

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Aquatic Biodiversity and Taxonomy

Entrepreneurship for Applied Science

Statistics and its Applications

Aquaculture Operation and System

Current Topics in Aquatic Science

Aquatic Pollution and Toxicology

Research Methodology, Safety and Ethics

Co-Operative Placement 2

MPU (select one)

Malaysian Experiential Tourism

Malaysian Ethnic Food

Business Law – Malaysian Perspective


Human Molecular Genetics

Environmental Biotechnology and Sustainability

Cell and Tissue Culture

Biotechnology Research Project 1

Extra-curricular Learning Experience 3 (MPU-U4)

Fermentation Technology and Downstream Processing

Biotechnology Research Project 2

Bioprocess Engineering

Biotechnology Research Project 3

Co-Operative Placement 3

Elective (Choose one)

Food Microbiology

Fundamentals of Marketing

Introduction to Public Speaking

Elective Courses (Choose 3 Field Electives and 2 Free Electives)

Free Electives

Fundamentals of Marketing

Introduction to Public Speaking

One to One Marketing


Entrepreneurship for Applied Sciences

Food Microbiology

Food Processing & Packaging

Field Electives

Principles of Health and Wellness

Functional Food for Wellness

Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Wellness

Wellness for Healthy Aging


General Courses (MPU) are compulsory for all students

Aquatic Health and Management

Extra-curricular Learning Experience3

Aquatic Science Research Project 1

Conservation and Management of Aquatic Resources

Molecular Cell Biology

Recombinant Technology

Aquatic Science Research Project 2

Water and Wastewater Engineering

Tools for Aquatic Resource Management

Aquatic Diseases and Diagnostics

Aquatic Science Research Project 3

Co-Operative Placement 3

Free elective (select 2)

Strategic Management

Seafood Industry

Introduction to Internet Technologies

Operation Management (Choose either Aquatic Health and Management or Seafood Processing and Safety)

Seafood Processing and Safety

Extra-curricular Learning Experience 3

Aquatic Science Research Project 1

Halal and Food Legislation

Food Chemistry

Food Microbiology

Aquatic Science Research Project 2

Seafood Industry

Food Processing and Packaging

Food Safety and Quality Systems

Product Development and Sensory Evaluation

Aquatic Science Research Project 3

Co-Operative Placement 3

Free elective (select 2)

Strategic Management

Introductory Accounting

Internet in Practice

Operation Management

متطلبات الالتحاق

المتطلبات الأكاديمية

UCSI Foundation in Science or equivalent in Malaysia

Minimum CGPA 2.00

National matriculation

Minimum CGPA 2.80, inclusive of





Minimum CGPA 2.00, inclusive of Grade Cs in





Minimum Grade B in five (5) subjects, inclusive of





Minimum Grade E in any two (2) of these subjects




Australian High/Secondary School Diploma (Grade 12) – SAM/AUSMAT/ SACE/ TEE/ NTCE/WACE

Minimum ATAR 60% or minimum 60% average five (5) subjects inclusive of




Canadian Grade 12 – CPU/CIMP

Minimum average of 60% in six (6) subjects, inclusive of




International Baccalaureate (IB)

Minimum score of 26/42 from six (6) subjects, inclusive of




Diploma/Advanced Diploma in related field

Minimum CGPA 2.00, inclusive of




Other qualifications recognized by the Malaysian government

Admission: Case by case basis

Note / Legend

Discretion is given to the Head of School to deal with applicants who have results borderline to the Academic Requirements

SPM – Credit (A+ – C)
UEC – Credit (A1 – B6)
O-Level – min. Credit (A1 – C6)
WACE – min. Credit (A1 – C6)
STPM – min. Principal – ‘C’ grade (GPA 2.00)
A-Level – min. Principal – ‘E’ grade (GPA 2.00)
SAM/CPU – min. Pass – 50%

متطلبات اللغة الإنجليزية

For Local Students



SPM Eng 1119/ O-Level English/ IGCSE / C

UEC English Language / A2

In the event that the English language requirements are not met, applicants will be required to take the Basic English and English Foundation for in-sessional academic enhancement concurrently with the programme

For International Students

Cambridge Linguaskill / 154

IELTS / Band 5.0

Cambridge English Qualifications and Tests / 154

TOEFL / 42

Pearson Test of English / 47

MUET / Band 3


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