يهدف برنامج الدرجة هذا ومدته ثلاث سنوات إلى تزويد الطلاب بالمعرفة والمهارات التشغيلية والإشرافية والإدارية المطلوبة للإدارة الحديثة في صناعة الضيافة العالمية. وهي تغطي مجموعة واسعة من المجالات من المكتب الأمامي ، والتدبير المنزلي ، والأطعمة والمشروبات ، والمطبخ ، والمناسبات. يتمتع الطلاب أيضًا بإمكانية الانغماس في البحث والتطوير ذي الصلة بالقضايا الناشئة في الصناعة مثل سياسات السياحة والضيافة البيئية.
مدة الدراسة
3 سنوات (14 أسبوعًا لكل فصل دراسي ، 7 أسابيع لكل فصل دراسي قصير)
وضع الدراسه
الحرم الجامعي
يناير ومايو وسبتمبر
الآفاق المهنية
الخريجين مجهزين وجاهزين للصناعة في مجالات:
- Hotels & Motels
- Spas & Resorts
- Food Service Establishments
- Casinos & Theme Parks
- Cruiselines
- Airlines
- Property Management Companies
- Hospitality Consultancies
- Education Bodies
المواد الدراسية
Year 1
- Business Communication
- Introduction to Management and Organisation Theory
- Introduction to Accounting
- Fundamentals of Hospitality and Tourism Industry
- Basic Food Preparations
- Food & Beverage Service
- Sanitation, Safety, and Hygiene
- Malaysian Experiential Tourism
- Introduction to Wine & Bar
Elective (Choose One)
- Introduction to Foreign Languages in Hospitality Industry (Japanese, German, Mandarin, Korean, or French)
Year 2
- Cross-Cultural Studies
- Food and Beverage Management
- Commercial Cookery
- Front Office Operation Management
- Hospitality and Tourism Human Resource Management
- Hospitality and Tourism Law
- Business Research Method
- Housekeeping Management
- Customer Service
- Hospitality and Tourism Marketing
- Entrepreneurship
Elective 1 (Choose One)
- Business Statistics
- Hospitality Revenue Management
Elective 2 (Choose One)
- Event Operations Management
- Conventions and Exhibitions Management
Year 3
- Tourism and Business of Hotels
- Independent Project A
- Food, Beverage & Labour Cost Control
- Hospitality Facilities Management & Design
- Tourism Planning, Development and Management
- Hospitality and Tourism Strategic Management
- Independent Project B
- Leadership and Business Performance
- Financial Management for Hospitality and Tourism
- Co-operative Placement I
- Co-operative Placement II
For foreign students:
- Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
- Communication in Bahasa Melayu 3
All students:
- U2 – University Life
- U4 – Extra-curricular Learning Experience I
- U4 – Extra-curricular Learning Experience II
- U4 – Extra-curricular Learning Experience III
متطلبات الدخول
Foundation Year
Pass with a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Pass STPM with Minimum 2 principals (C)
Minimum 2 principals (D)
Pass UEC with minimum of 5 credits (B6)
National Matriculation
Minimum CGPA of 2.0
International Baccalaureate (IB)
A minimum score of 26 credits from 6 subjects
Canadian Pre-U
A minimum average of 60% in 6 subjects
A minimum average of 60% in 5 subjects
Other qualifications deemed equivalent to STPM/A-Level by the Malaysian Government
Minimum overall average of 60%
Diploma (business-related)
Minimum CGPA of 2.0
Other equivalent qualifications
To be reviewed by the faculty on a case-to-case basis
Pearson Test of English
Band 3
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