عن البرنامج
سيتم تزويد الطلاب بمعرفة ومهارات الحوسبة المتخصصة في إدارة الأعمال. يركز تخصص نظم المعلومات الإدارية على المفاهيم والأدوات اللازمة لتخطيط وتحليل وتصميم وتطوير وصيانة موارد المعلومات التنظيمية. سيتمكن خريجو البرنامج من العمل بكفاءة في فرق متعددة التخصصات لصياغة وتقديم حلول رقمية إبداعية ومبتكرة وفعالة للمشاكل المتعلقة بأنظمة معلومات الأعمال مع التكنولوجيا ذات الصلة.
الحرم الجامعي
مدة الدراسة
3 سنوات
وضع الدراسه
فبراير / مايو / سبتمبر
رسوم البرنامج
38000 رينجيت ماليزي
فرص العمل
- Systems Manager
- Information Security Manager
- Business Process Analyst
- Management Analyst
- System Analyst
- Software Systems Developer
- Database Developer
- Database Administrator
- Web Programmer
- Project Manager
- IT Consultant
- University Academician
- Corporate Trainer
المواد الدراسية
Year 1
- Accounting
- Cognitive Process and Problem Solving
- Foundation of Information Systems
- Principles of Management
- Microeconomics
- Cyberpreneurship
- Problem Solving and Programming
- Macroeconomics
- Organizational Behaviour
- Data and Information Management
- Business Mathematics II
- Principles of Marketing
- Database Systems
- Hubungan Etnik
- Co-Curriculum
Year 2
- Cost and Management Accounting
- Financial Management
- Business Information Systems
- Analysis and Design
- Business Statistics II
- Consumer Behaviour
- Computing and Society
- Internet Systems Development
- Enterprise Architecture
- Information Systems
- Project Management
- Human Resource Management
- Business Laws
- Labour and Industrial Relations
- Effective Communication – Workplace and Persuasive Presentation
- Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS)
Year 3
- IS Strategy, Management, and Acquisition
- Database Modelling and Design
- Business Research Methods
- Production and Operation Management
- Information Technology Infrastructure
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Strategic Management
- *Elective Subjects
- Final Year Project I & II
- Practical Training
Elective Subjects* (Choose 3)
- Transaction Processing
- Database Modelling and Design
- Consumer Behaviour (cert)
- Media Digital Production (cert)
- Cognitive Process and Problem Solving
- Labour and Industrial Relations
- Investment Analysis
متطلبات الدخول
No | Certificate | Requirement |
1 | FOUNDATION | FOUNDATION or MATRICULATION qualification with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 and a Credit in Mathematics at SPM Level or its equivalent; OR |
4 | STPM | Pass STPM with a minimum Grade C (GP 2.00) in any 2 subjects and a Credit in Mathematics at SPM Level or its equivalence; OR |
3 | STAM | Pass in STAM with minimum grade of Jayyid, and Pass in Mathematics and English at SPM level; OR |
4 | GCE A-LEVEL | Pass GCE A-LEVEL in any 2 subjects with a pass in Mathematics; OR |
5 | UEC | UEC with at least Grade B in any 5 subjects including Mathematics; OR |
6 | Other | Other equivalent qualification recognised by the Malaysian Government |
No | Certificate | Requirement |
1 | SPM / SPMV | Minimum Pass; OR |
2 | IGCSE | Minimum Pass; OR |
3 | MUET | Minimum band 3 (5 years validity); OR |
4 | IELTS | Minimum band 5.5 (2 years validity); OR |
5 | TOEFL | Minimum score of 410 (2 years validity); OR |
6 | Other | Other equivalent qualification recognised by the Malaysian Government |
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