عن البرنامج
معترف بها بالكامل من قبل مجلس الصيدلة في ماليزيا ، بكالوريوس الصيدلة (مع مرتبة الشرف) في جامعة UCSI معروف جيدًا بين ممارسي الصناعة وأصحاب العمل. النهج العملي والمتمحور حول الطالب ، تم تصميم البرنامج لتشجيع الطلاب على أن يصبحوا متعلمين مستقلين قادرين على تحمل وفهم التحديات في استخدام الطب والرعاية الصحية. البرنامج موجه نحو المريض باعتباره المحور الرئيسي لتطبيق المعرفة في العلوم الصيدلانية. هناك أربعة مجالات رئيسية في البرنامج: علم وظائف الأعضاء وعلم الأدوية ، والكيمياء الصيدلانية ، والصيدلانيات والتكنولوجيا الصيدلانية ، والصيدلة السريرية وممارسة الصيدلة. سيزودك هذا البرنامج بالمعرفة العلمية والسريرية والمهنية بالإضافة إلى مهارات الاتصال القوية للتأثير بشكل إيجابي على نظام الرعاية الصحية.
مدة الدراسة
3 سنوات
وضع الدراسه
الحرم الجامعي
Kuala Lumpur
يناير ويوليو
الآفاق المهنية
يمكن لخريجي هذا البرنامج المغامرة في المجالات المتعلقة بتصنيع الأدوية والمغذيات ومستحضرات التجميل والأغذية والمشروبات والتكنولوجيا الحيوية والمنتجات البيطرية. تشمل الفرص الوظيفية الأخرى مراقبة الجودة وضمانها والخدمات التنظيمية وإدارة المنتجات والمبيعات وخدمات الدعم والبحث والتطوير للمنتجات التجارية الصناعية.
المواد الدراسية
Year 1
- Hubungan Etnik (Local)
- Pengajian Malaysia (International)
- Extracurricular Learning Experience (MPU-U4)
- Biostatistics and Research Methods
- Introduction to Biological Products
- Introduction to Biotechnology
- Physical and Inorganic Chemistry
- Health and Wellness Products
- Religions in Malaysia
- Biosafety and Environmental Science
- Introduction to Pharmacology and Physiology
- Organic Chemistry
- Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
- Formulation of Cosmeceuticals
- Basic Medicinal Chemistry
Year 2
- TITAS (Malaysian students; MPU1)
- Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 3 (International students; MPU1)
- Extracurricular Learning Experience II
- Separation Science and Chromatography
- Biochemistry
- Advances in the formulation of parenteral
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- Packaging Design and Technology
- Instrumental Analysis
- Physicochemical properties of API
- Formulation Liquid dosage forms
- Formulation of Solid and semi-solid dosage forms
- Co-Operative Placement I
- Bioinformatics
- Recombinant Technology
Year 3
- Extra-curricular Learning Experience
- Introduction to Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
- Industrial Biotechnology
- Nutraceuticals and Supplements
- Advanced Drug Delivery
- Industrial Management and Regulations
- Co-Operative Placement II
- Research Project in Product Development I
- Quality Control and Assurance
- Diagnostic Agents and Kits
- GMP Certification and Registration of Product
- Product Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Research Project in Product Development II
- Fermentation Technology and Downstream Processing
- Product Sales and Marketing
متطلبات الدخول
A- Level
3B or 2A1C or 1A1B1C in Biology and Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics with a minimum “B” in Chemistry
With reference to the Score system of the Universities and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS) carried out in the United Kingdom for A-level results with scores of A+ = 140, A=120, B=100 and C=80
3B proposed by LFM is equal to the total score of 300 with B for the Chemistry course
3B or 2A1C or 1A1B1C in Biology and Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics with a minimum “B” in Chemistry
Overall CGPA minimum 3
Matriculation or Pre-Study in Medicine and Pharmacy
CGPA 3.0 and above with a minimum “B” in Chemistry
Minimum 1 year of study
Pass SPM with a minimum 5B in Biology and Chemistry and Physics and Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics) and other one subject at School Certificate level or equivalent
Foundation in Sciences
CGPA 3.0 and above with a minimum B in Chemistry
Minimum 1 year of study
Pass SPM with a minimum 5B in Biology and Chemistry and Physics and Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics) and other one subject at School Certificate level or equivalent
Diploma in Science (Chemistry or Biology or Physics) CGPA 3.75 and above including B in Chemistry subject
Diploma in Pharmacy CGPA 3.5 and above
Minimum 1 year of study
Pass SPM with a minimum 5B in Biology and Chemistry and Physics and Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics) and other one subject at School Certificate level or equivalent
First Degree in Science
First Degree in Science CGPA 2.75 and above (CGPA 2.75 = Grade C+)
Pass UEC with a minimum Grade B4 in 5 subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Additional Mathematics or one other subject.
Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) /Tertiary Entrance Education (TEE) /South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) /New South Wales Higher Education Certificate (HSC) (Year 12) /Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE) (Year 12) /Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) (Year 12) /Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY)
Aggregate 80% include Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or Mathematics in which minimum “B” in Chemistry or equivalent
TER/ UAI/ ENTER/ ATAR 80 includes Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or Mathematics in which a minimum “B” in Chemistry or equivalent
South Australian Matriculation (SAM)/ Western Australian Curriculum Council/ University of New South Wales Foundation/ Trinity College Foundation/ Higher School Certificate-Sydney Australia
Aggregate 80% include Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or Mathematics in which minimum “B” in Chemistry or equivalent
TER/ UAI/ ENTER/ ATAR 80 includes Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or Mathematics in which a minimum “B” in Chemistry or equivalent
Canadian Pre-U (CPU)/ Canadian International Matriculation Program (CIMP)
Aggregate 80% include Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or Mathematics with a minimum “B” in Chemistry or equivalent
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Pass IB with a minimum of 30 points (exclusive of bonus points) for two Science or Mathematics subjects at Higher Level (HL) and another one Science subject at Standard Level (SL) with a minimum of 4 points for Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or Mathematics
Indian Pre-university
Aggregate 70% for three subjects (Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or Mathematics) with a minimum “B” in Chemistry or equivalent
Other International Qualifications Deemed Equivalent to STPM/A-Level by Malaysian Qualifications Agency
Aggregate 80% for three subjects (Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or Mathematics) with a minimum “80%” in Chemistry or equivalent
Pearson Test of English
Band 3
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