عن البرنامج
طب الأسنان هو مهنة مهنية تحظى باحترام كبير وتتطلب مستويات عالية من الرعاية والمهارات ، فضلاً عن القدرة على التعامل مع الناس.
بكالوريوس جراحة الأسنان من جامعة سيجي (BDS) هو برنامج مدته خمس سنوات ويهدف إلى إنتاج ممارسين أسنان أكفاء ورعاية ومعرفة. يتعرض الطلاب للتواصل المبكر مع المريض والتدريب السريري ، مع التركيز على التعرف على أمراض الفم والوقاية منها. يتم تقديم المنهج الديناميكي ضمن نهج التعلم القائم على حل المشكلات ، مع التركيز على التعلم السياقي للمعلومات العلمية ذات الصلة. يعكس المنهج أيضًا الطريقة التي يُتوقع من الطلاب من خلالها تحديد المشكلات السريرية ومعالجتها ، مع التركيز بشكل أكبر على التسليم من خلال التفاعل مع الطلاب.
الحرم الجامعي
Kota Damansara
مدة الدراسة
5 سنوات
وضع الدراسه
يناير / أبريل / أغسطس
فرص العمل
الممارسة العامة لطب الأسنان: مهنة مجزية كطبيب أسنان للأسرة.
يمكن لطبيب الأسنان أن يختار مواصلة مسيرته المهنية من مجموعة واسعة من التخصصات: الصحة العامة للأسنان ، وتقويم الأسنان ، وجراحة الفم ، وطب أسنان الأطفال ، وطب اللثة ، وطب الأسنان الترميمي ، وطب الفم ، وأمراض الفم ، وطب الأسنان الشرعي ، وطب الأسنان وطب الأسنان لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.
المواد الدراسية
Early Clinical Phase (Year 1 & 2)
Year 1
Basic Medical Sciences I
Basic Oral Sciences
Personal & Professional Development I
Year 2
Basic Medical Sciences II
Oral Diagnostic Sciences I
Clinical Dental Practice I
Personal & Professional Development I
Community Oral Health I
Clinical Phase (Year 3, 4 & 5)
Year 3
Human Disease
Oral Diagnosis I
Clinical Dental Practice II
Personal & Professional Development
Community Oral Health
Year 4
Oral Diagnosis II
Clinical Dental Practice III
Personal & Professional Development
Community Oral Health
Year 5
Clinical Dental Practice IV
Personal & Professional Development
Community Oral Health
Basic Medical Sciences
Basic Oral Sciences
Oral Biology
Oral Pathology
Human Disease
General Medicine
General Surgery
Community Oral Health
Preventive Dentistry
Community Oral Health
Management & Administration in Dental Public Health
Oral Diagnostic Sciences
Oral Medicine & Radiology
Dental Therapeutics
Clinical Dental Practice
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
Paediatric Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Dental Material Science
Dental Technology
Clinical Preventive Dentistry
Personal & Professional Development
Soft Skills
Scientific understanding (Statistics, Research Methods, Evidence-based Dentistry)
Professional Behaviour
Ethics & Jurisprudence
* As part of the curriculum, students are required to take 4 general subjects (Mata Pelajaran Umum), as required by the Ministry of Education
متطلبات الدخول
All applicants who enter a matriculation, foundation or pre-medical programme, except those with a degree qualification in arts or humanities, shall have passed and attained a minimum of the following at School Certificate level or its equivalent:
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) – 5 Bs each in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics (or Additional
Mathematics) and another subject
General Certificate of Education Ordinary (“O”) levels – 5Bs each in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics) and another subject
Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) – B4 in 4 subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics (or Mathematics or Additional Mathematics) and another subject
All applicants, except those with a degree qualification in arts or humanities, shall have passed and attained a minimum of the following at:
a) Higher School Certificate Level or its equivalent
Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) – Grades BBB, ABC or AAC in 3 subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics
General Certificate of Education Advanced (“A”) levels – Grades BBB, ABC or AAC in 3 subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics
Matriculation or
Foundation in Science or
Pre-Medical course – CGPA 3.0 (out of 4) in 3 subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics; and Provided the course is not less than 1 year in the same accredited institution; and the minimum entry qualification is 5 Bs each in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics) and another subject at School Certificate level or its equivalent
Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) – B4 each in 5 subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Additional Mathematics
Monash University Foundation Pre-University
Programme (MUFY) or
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Foundation or
Western Australia Curriculum Council or
HSC Sydney Australia or
Trinity College Foundation Studies or
Australian Universities Foundation Programmes or
South Australian Matriculation (SAM) or
Victorian Certificate of Education, Australia Year 12 – Aggregate or average of 80% in any 3 subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics or 80% ATAR
National Certificate of Educational Achievement
(NCEA) Level 3 or
New Zealand – Average of 80% in any 3 subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics (or Mathematics)
Indian Pre-University – Average of 70% in any 3 subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics (or Mathematics)
Canadian Pre-University (CPU) or
Canadian International Matriculation Program
(CIMP) / Canadian Grade 12/13 – Average of 80% in any 3 subject i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics (or Mathematics)
International Baccalaureate (IB) – 30 points with a minimum of 2 science subjects or Mathematics at Higher Level (HL) and 1 science subject at Standard Level and attained a minimum score of 4 each in Biology, Chemistry, Physics (or Mathematics)
b) Diploma Level
Diploma in Health Sciences – CGPA 3.5 (out of 4)
Provided the course is not less than 5 semesters or 2½ years in the same accredited institution
the minimum entry qualification is 5 Bs each in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics) and another subject at School Certificate level or its equivalent
c) Degree Level
Degree in Medical Sciences – CGPA 3.3 (out of 4) 5-year undergraduate medical programme
Degree in Medical Sciences, Degree in the Arts or Humanities – CGPA 3.5 (out of 4) 4-year graduate medical programme CGPA 3.5 (out of 4) 5-year undergraduate medical programme
3 Cs each in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General Science, Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics) at SPM or its equivalent
an accredited bridging course
Degree in the Arts or Humanities – CGPA 4.0 (out of 4) 4-year graduate medical programme
3 Cs each in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General Science, Mathematics (or Additional Mathematics) at SPM or its equivalent
an accredited bridging course
Applicants may be required to pass an aptitude test and/or an interview and/or a university entrance examination
All applicants shall attain a level of competence in English to enable them to complete the course successfully
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