في جامعة UCSI ، نعتقد أن الإبداع والفضول والأسس الفكرية القوية هي جوانب أساسية للتعليم المعماري. كطلاب ، سوف تزدهر بينما تطور إحساسًا بالاتساع والعمق من خلال الدورات التدريبية المليئة بالبرامج المدفوعة بالسوق. ستزودك هذه الدورات ، من تشييد المباني والتكنولوجيا إلى تاريخ العمارة ، بالتصميم الإبداعي والمهارات العملية. ستستفيد أيضًا من الزيارات السنوية للمواقع المعمارية في آسيا بما في ذلك بالي وتايوان وسريلانكا وكوريا وطوكيو وبكين ، على سبيل المثال. كخريج ، ستغادر برغبة في تقديم مساهمة إيجابية في حياة الناس والبيئات التي يعيشون فيها.
مدة الدراسة
3.3 سنة
وضع الدراسه
الحرم الجامعي
Kuala Lumpur
يناير ويوليو
الآفاق المهنية
الخريجين مجهزين وجاهزين للصناعة في مجالات:
- Assistant Architect
- Design Consultant
- Interior Designer
- Visualiser
- Research Assistant
- Academic Tutor
المواد الدراسية
Year 1
- Architecture Design Studio 1
- Building Construction and Technology 1
- Architecture History 1
- Design Communication 1
- Professional Communication
- Architecture Design Studio 2
- Structure 1
- Building Construction and Technology 2
- Architecture History 2
- Design Communication 2
Year 2
- Architecture Design Studio 3
- Building Services 1
- Building Construction and Technology 3
- Architecture History 3
- Computer-aided Design 1
- Building Science 1
- Architecture Design Studio 4
- Building Construction and Technology 4
- Theories of Architecture & Design
- Computer-aided Design 2
- Building Science 2
- Structure 2
- Experiencing Architecture
Year 3
- Architecture Design Studio 5
- Building Services 2
- Professional Architecture Office Practice
- Architecture Inquiries
- Architecture Option*
- Integrated Architectural Design Project
- Working Drawing
Year 4
- 3-month Professional Architectural Internship
For Malaysian students:
- Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations
- Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
For foreign students:
- Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
- Communication in Bahasa Melayu 3
متطلبات الدخول
Foundation in Arts/ Science/ Equivalent
Minimum CGPA 2.0 with credit in Maths AND
Minimum credit Maths in SPM or grade ‘C’ in O-Levels
(Arts/Science stream) Minimum CGPA of 2.0 (or equivalent)
With minimum Grade ‘C’ for 2 subjects INCLUDING Maths
(Commerce/Science stream)
Minimum 5 Credits (‘B’ grade) INCLUDING Maths
Minimum average of 60% in 5 subjects INCLUDING Maths
Minimum average of 65% in 6 subjects INCLUDING Maths
International Baccalaureate
Minimum 26/42 points from 6 subjects (Minimum score of 4/7 in Maths)
Local Matriculation
Minimum CGPA 2.0 INCLUDING Maths
Minimum credit Maths in SPM or grade ‘C’ in O-Level
Diploma/ Advance Diploma/ equivalent
Minimum CGPA 2.0
- Subject to School discretion and credit transfer after reviewing transcript, syllabus description & portfolio.
- Max. 30% credit transfer
Other qualification deemed equivalent to STPM/A-Level by MQA
Students will be considered on a case by case basis.
*General Requirement:
All applicants must pass Art Education/ Engineering Drawing/ related subjects at SPM/O-level / equivalent
Pass Portfolio Review in replacement of art subjects if applicable
The general requirement applies to both local and foreigner applicants.
Pearson Test of English
Band 3
[button href=”https://edu.pioneer4ss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/UCSI-Fee.pdf” title=”” target=”self” shape=”solidify” size=”x3″ txcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#e84533″ fullwidth=”false”]الرسوم الدراسية[/button]