بكالوريوس العلوم (مع مرتبة الشرف)حساب الكميات

بكالوريوس العلوم (مع مرتبة الشرف)حساب الكميات

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Quantity Surveying – INTI

محاسب الكميات هو خبير بناء يقدم التوجيه الاقتصادي والتكلفة والتعاقدية في جميع مجالات عملية البناء. يتطلب مسح الكميات كمهنة مزيجًا من المهارات الفنية والاقتصادية والقانونية والإدارية. نتيجة لذلك ، يعد هذا منهجًا احترافيًا مصممًا لتخريج خريجين يمكنهم تقديم هذه الخدمات.

سيكتسب الطلاب فهمًا شاملاً لأدوار مساح الكميات في كل مرحلة من مراحل عملية البناء والتطوير ، بدءًا من موجز المشروع الصادر إلى المستشار الرئيسي إلى إنشاء المرافق وإنجازها واحتلالها وصيانتها من أجل تحقيق هدف “القيمة مقابل المال”.


متطلبات القبول

Entry Level Entry Requirements
Foundation Pass INTI Foundation Programme with CGPA ≥ 2.50 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English.
Diploma Pass diploma in a relevant field of study from a recognised by the Ministry of Education or government of Malaysia with CGPA ≥ 2.67 for direct year 2 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English.
STPM STPM with a minimum grade C (NGMP 2.0) in 3 subjects AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English.
SACE 5 subjects with TER 70 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English.
NSW-HSC 10 units with UAI 70 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English.
TEE 4 or 5 subjects with TER 70 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English.
Australian Year 12 With TER 70 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English.
CPU 6 subjects with an average score of 65 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English.
UEC 5 subjects at grade B including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia, and English.
A-Level Pass A-Level with minimum Grade C in 3 subjects AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English


المنهج الدراسي

Programme can be completed in 3.5 Years.

Year 1

  • Building Structures
  • Construction Contract & Law 1
  • Construction Materials
  • Construction Technology 1 & 2
  • Introduction to Quantity Surveying
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Surveying
  • Technical Drawing
  • Technical English

Year 2

  • Building Environment & Services 1 & 2
  • Construction Contract & Law 2
  • Contract Administration 1
  • Cost Planning
  • Development Economics
  • Estimating 1 & 2
  • Measurement 1 & 2

Year 3

  • Construction Economics
  • Contract Administration 2
  • Cost Control 1
  • Estimating 3
  • Internship
  • Measurement 3

Year 4

  • Construction, Contract & Law 3
  • Cost Control 2
  • Project – Quantity Surveying
  • Project Management for Construction
  • Research Methods

MPU Subjects

  • Bahasa Kebangsaan A*
  • Community Service & Co-curriculum
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Design Thinking
  • Ethnic Relations (Local students) / Malay Communication 2 (International students)
  • Islamic & Asian Civilisation (Local students)/ Malaysian Studies (International students)


الحرم الجامعي

INTI International University



  • INTI International University

يناير – مايو – اغسطس


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