بكالوريوس العلوم (مع مرتبة الشرف)حساب الكميات
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Quantity Surveying – INTI
محاسب الكميات هو خبير بناء يقدم التوجيه الاقتصادي والتكلفة والتعاقدية في جميع مجالات عملية البناء. يتطلب مسح الكميات كمهنة مزيجًا من المهارات الفنية والاقتصادية والقانونية والإدارية. نتيجة لذلك ، يعد هذا منهجًا احترافيًا مصممًا لتخريج خريجين يمكنهم تقديم هذه الخدمات.
سيكتسب الطلاب فهمًا شاملاً لأدوار مساح الكميات في كل مرحلة من مراحل عملية البناء والتطوير ، بدءًا من موجز المشروع الصادر إلى المستشار الرئيسي إلى إنشاء المرافق وإنجازها واحتلالها وصيانتها من أجل تحقيق هدف “القيمة مقابل المال”.
متطلبات القبول
Entry Level | Entry Requirements |
Foundation | Pass INTI Foundation Programme with CGPA ≥ 2.50 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English. |
Diploma | Pass diploma in a relevant field of study from a recognised by the Ministry of Education or government of Malaysia with CGPA ≥ 2.67 for direct year 2 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English. |
STPM | STPM with a minimum grade C (NGMP 2.0) in 3 subjects AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English. |
SACE | 5 subjects with TER 70 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English. |
NSW-HSC | 10 units with UAI 70 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English. |
TEE | 4 or 5 subjects with TER 70 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English. |
Australian Year 12 | With TER 70 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English. |
CPU | 6 subjects with an average score of 65 AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English. |
UEC | 5 subjects at grade B including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia, and English. |
A-Level | Pass A-Level with minimum Grade C in 3 subjects AND pass SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits including Mathematics, Bahasa Malaysia and English |
المنهج الدراسي
Programme can be completed in 3.5 Years.
Year 1
- Building Structures
- Construction Contract & Law 1
- Construction Materials
- Construction Technology 1 & 2
- Introduction to Quantity Surveying
- Quantitative Methods
- Surveying
- Technical Drawing
- Technical English
Year 2
- Building Environment & Services 1 & 2
- Construction Contract & Law 2
- Contract Administration 1
- Cost Planning
- Development Economics
- Estimating 1 & 2
- Measurement 1 & 2
Year 3
- Construction Economics
- Contract Administration 2
- Cost Control 1
- Estimating 3
- Internship
- Measurement 3
Year 4
- Construction, Contract & Law 3
- Cost Control 2
- Project – Quantity Surveying
- Project Management for Construction
- Research Methods
MPU Subjects
- Bahasa Kebangsaan A*
- Community Service & Co-curriculum
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Design Thinking
- Ethnic Relations (Local students) / Malay Communication 2 (International students)
- Islamic & Asian Civilisation (Local students)/ Malaysian Studies (International students)
الحرم الجامعي
INTI International University
- INTI International University
يناير – مايو – اغسطس
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