يعد هذا البرنامج الطلاب لاكتساب عقلية ريادية ، والتصرف بطرق أكثر إبداعًا وابتكارًا وانتهازية واستباقية. أن يكون مجهزًا بمعرفة متعمقة ومجموعات مهارات مختصة لتحليل وتفسير بيئة الأعمال الحالية في سياق تطوير وإدارة المشاريع. قم ببناء حياة وفقًا لشروطك الخاصة وقم بإجراء تغيير في العالم.
مدة الدراسة
3 سنة
وضع الدراسه
الحرم الجامعي
Kuala Lumpur
يناير ومايو وسبتمبر
نبذة عن البرنامج
الحد الأدنى لمدة الدراسة لإكمال برنامج الدرجة هذا تسعة (9) فصول دراسية. تعتمد هذه المدة على عدد الوحدات التي يتم إجراؤها في كل فصل دراسي وما إذا كان الطلاب يجتازون الوحدات.
الآفاق المهنية
:Areas of graduate employment include
Retail Manager
Marketing Manager
Business Manager
Sales Manager
Management Analyst
Start-up Consultant
Business Development Manager
Business Planner
Business Owner
المواد الدراسية
Year 1
- University Life
- Hubungan Etnik (Local)/ Pengajian Malaysia (International)
- Extracurricular Learning Experience 1
- Basic Entrepreneurship
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Statistics and its Applications
- Fundamentals of Management
- Business Communication
- Business Accounting
- Introduction to Public Speaking
- Business Information System
- Fundamentals of Marketing
- Cooperative Placement I
Year 2
- Tamadun Islam and Tamadun Asia (Local) / Bahasa Komunikasi 3 (International)
- Extracurricular Learning Experience 2
- Business Research Methods
- Organisational Behaviour
- Operations Management
- Business Law – Malaysian Perspective
- New Product Development
- Family Business
- Managing People
- Cooperative Placement II
Electives One(Choose two courses
- Management Science
- Corporate Communication
- Introduction to Advertising
- Introduction to Multimedia
Year 3
- Extracurricular Learning Experience 3
- Developing Entrepreneurship Skills 1
- Developing Entrepreneurship Skills 2
- Entrepreneurship Project I
- Entrepreneurship Project II
- Strategic Management
- Franchising
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Leadership
- SME and Public Policy
- Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Cooperative Placement III
Electives Two(Choose two courses
- Social Media Marketing
- Strategic Marketing
- Web Design
- Basic Photography
For Malaysian students:
- Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations
- Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
For foreign students:
- Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
- Communication in Bahasa Melayu 3
Entry Requirement
UCSI Foundation year
Minimum CGPA of 2.50, and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level
Pass, with a minimum C+ grades (CGPA 2.33) in any two subjects, and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level
Minimum 2 D grades
Minimum 5 credits (B6) including Mathematics and a Pass in English
National Matriculation
Minimum CGPA of 2.50, and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Minimum score of 26 points in 6 subjects
Canadian Pre-U
Minimum average of 60% in 6 subjects
Minimum average of 60% in 5 subjects
Other qualifications deemed equivalent to STPM/A-Level by Malaysian Qualifications Agency
Minimum overall average of 60%
Diploma (business-related)
Minimum CGPA 2.50
Other equivalent qualifications
To be reviewed by the faculty on a case-to-case basis
Pearson Test of English
[button href=”https://edu.pioneer4ss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/UCSI-Fee.pdf” title=”” target=”self” shape=”solidify” size=”x3″ txcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#e84533″ fullwidth=”false”]الرسوم الدراسية[/button]