بكالوريوس(مع مرتبة الشرف) في علوم الطب الشرعي

يعد تطبيق المعرفة العلمية على التطبيقات العملية ، وتطوير المهارات الاستقصائية والتحليلية في مجموعة متنوعة من السيناريوهات ، بعضًا من العديد من المجالات التي يغطيها برنامج علوم الطب الشرعي. تم تصميم هذا البرنامج لمطابقة الاتجاه الوظيفي الحالي لهذا المجال ، ويغطي الموضوعات والمفاهيم الحالية ، والتطبيقات العملية المتعلقة بعلوم الطب الشرعي مثل الكيمياء ، وعلم الأحياء ، وعلوم الصحة ، وعلم النفس ، والإدارة ، وريادة الأعمال ، والتحقيق في مسرح الجريمة ، والقانون الجنائي . يتم تدريس برنامج علوم الطب الشرعي من قبل الأكاديميين المشهورين وعلماء الطب الشرعي الذين يتمتعون بالكفاءة والخبرة في مختلف جوانب مجالات الطب الشرعي بما في ذلك التحقيق في مسرح الجريمة ، والكيمياء الطب الشرعي ، وتنميط الحمض النووي ، وعلم الأمراض الشرعي ، والطب الشرعي الرقمي ، والقانون الجنائي. سيتم تدريبك أيضًا على تطوير مهاراتك التحليلية حتى تتمكن من تحليل أي دليل. استكمالاً بتركيز إضافي على الممارسة المهنية لأدوار محققي مسرح الجريمة ، يمكنك أن تطمئن إلى أن هذا هو طريقك لتصبح عالمًا في الطب الشرعي على أعلى مستوى.

مدة الدراسة

4  سنة

وضع الدراسه


الحرم الجامعي

Kuala Lumpur


يناير ومايو وسبتمبر



الآفاق المهنية

Enforcement agencies

Analytical chemical industry

Environmental science

Health science

Insurance companies

DNA laboratories

Pathology laboratories

Cybersecurity companies

Forensic laboratories

Education and research


المواد الدراسية


Chemistry 1

Human Anatomy and Physiology


University Life (MPU-U2)

Extracurricular Learning Experience 1 (MPU-U4)

Chemistry 2

Inorganic Chemistry 1

Cell Biology

Physical Chemistry 1

Hubungan Etnik (for Malaysians) / Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 3 (for International students) (MPU-U1)

Forensic Analytical Chemistry 1

Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (for Local students) / Pengajian Malaysia (for International students) (MPU-U1)


Forensic Biology

Organic Chemistry 1

Physical Chemistry 2

Inorganic Chemistry 2

Religions in Malaysia / Business Law – Malaysian Perspective (MPU-U3)

Extracurricular Learning Experience 2 (MPU-U4)

Organic Chemistry 2

Forensic Anthropology

Spectroscopy and Structural Chemistry

Human Genetics

Forensic Environmental Chemistry


Research Methodology and Data Analysis

Forensic Analytical Chemistry 2

Forensic DNA Profiling and Analysis

Forensic Serology and Microscopy

Extracurricular Learning Experience 3 (MPU-U4)

Drug and Medicinal Chemistry

Forensic Pathology

Material and Polymer Chemistry

Criminal Law

Cooperative Placement 1


Forensics Final Year Project – A

Digital Forensics

Crime Scene Investigation

Fire Investigation

Extracurricular Learning Experience 4 (MPU-U4)

Forensic Final Year Project – B

Ballistics and Explosive

Criminology and Forensic Psychology

Forensic Final Year Project – C

Cooperative Placement 2

Free Elective Modules (select any two)

Entrepreneurship for Applied Sciences

Introduction to Internet Technologies

Introduction to Biomaterials


Introduction to Public Speaking

General Courses (MPU) are compulsory for all students


:For Malaysian students

Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations

Philosophy and Contemporary Issues

:For foreign students

Philosophy and Contemporary Issues

Communication in Bahasa Melayu 3



متطلبات الالتحاق

المتطلبات الأكاديمية

UCSI Foundation in Science or equivalent in Malaysia

Minimum CGPA 2.00 and Possess SPM with 3 credits inclusive of Mathematics and one science subject


Minimum CGPA of 2.0 and THREE credits in SPM/O-Level inclusive of Maths and ONE Science subject


Minimum CGPA of 2.0 in any two subjects and THREE credits in SPM/O-Level inclusive of Maths and ONE Science subject


Minimum grade B in FIVE subjects inclusive of Chemistry, Biology, Physics/Mathematics, and PASS SPM or equivalent


Minimum Grade C (GPA of 2.0) in any two subjects, and THREE credits in O-Level inclusive of Mathematics and ONE Science subject

Australian High/Secondary School Diploma (Grade 12) – SAM/AUSMAT/ SACE/ TEE/ NTCE/WACE

Minimum ATAR of 60% or minimum average of 60% in FIVE subjects inclusive of Chemistry, Biology, Physics/Mathematics, and PASS SPM or equivalent

Canadian Grade 12 – CPU/CIMP

Minimum average of 60% in SIX subjects inclusive of Chemistry, Biology, Physics/Mathematics, and PASS SPM or equivalent

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Minimum score of 26/42 from SIX subjects inclusive of Chemistry, Biology, Physics/Mathematics, and PASS SPM or equivalent

Diploma/Advanced Diploma

Minimum CGPA of 2.0 or equivalent

Other qualifications will be accessed on case-by-case basis

*Additional Requirement: FIVE Cs in SPM or equivalent; THREE Cs of which must be in Biology/Physics/Maths/Chemistry/English

 Note / Legend:

Discretion is given to the Head of School to deal with applicants who have results borderline to the Academic Requirements

SPM – Credit (A+ – C)
UEC – Credit (A1 – B6)
O-Level – min. Credit (A1 – C6)
WACE – min. Credit (A1 – C6)
STPM – min. Principal – ‘C’ grade (GPA 2.00)
A-Level – min. Principal – ‘E’ grade (GPA 2.00)
SAM/CPU – min. Pass – 50%

متطلبات اللغة الإنجليزية

For Local Students

SPM English language


UEC English Language/ A2

MUET/ Band 3

SPM Eng 1119/ O-Level English/ IGCSE/ C

In the event that the English language requirements are not met, applicants will be required to take the Basic English and English Foundation for in-sessional academic enhancement concurrently with the programme

For International Students

Cambridge Linguaskill/ 154

IELTS/ Band 5.0

Cambridge English Qualifications and Tests/ 154


Pearson Test of English/ 47

MUET/ Band 3

International applicants who do not meet the respective academic programme’s English Language Requirement will need to improve their proficiency by enrolling into the English for Tertiary Education programme (R/KJP/00920-00929). Placement into the various levels of the English for Tertiary Education programme depends on the English Language qualification students have at the point of admission and/or the outcome of the English Placement Test



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