3+0 BA (Hons) Graphic Design

3+0 BA (Hons) Graphic Design, in Collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Create a portfolio of ideas for breaking into the graphic design market and succeeding. Look into advertising, illustration, motion and interactive design, and classic graphic design. Printmaking, live drawing, photography, branding, and marketing are some of the other academic topics.

Students will concentrate on coming up with innovative and memorable concepts as the foundation for their creative process. They’ll experiment with a variety of mediums, hone their critical thinking skills, and learn to solve issues in novel ways.

Students will also have the option to improve their prospects by competing in international contests, participating in live briefings, and participating in work placements. Residential study tours are also available at home and abroad, as well as visits to design conferences and professional design association events.


Entry Requirements

Entry LevelEntry Requirements
STPM / A-Level2 Full Passes with a minimum CGPA 2.00 (Grade C) (with Credit in English SPM / O-Level)
UEC5Bs (including English)
Matriculation Program / Foundation in Design / Foundation in Art & Design and other Pre U qualification recognized by Malaysia Governmentwith minimum CGPA 2.00
Diploma in Graphic Design or other equivalent and relevant Diploma recognized by the Malaysia GovernmentMinimum CGPA 2.00


Programme Structure

Programme can be completed in 3 Years (Inclusive of internship).

Year 1


The first-year challenges students to explore diverse approaches to design problems and apply their creative skills in different ways. It will also challenge any preconceptions that students may have about Graphic Design. During the first year, students will also learn many of the essential skills needed to work in Graphic Design.

Subjects include:

  • Graphic Design Principle
  • Graphic Design Practice
  • Typography (Elective)
  • Advertising Design (Elective)

Year 2


In the second year, design projects are often company-sponsored and involve working directly with the client (live projects). The subjects will help students to meet this challenge and develop their skills and knowledge to a professional level. Other projects involve working to a national or international design brief. In this case, students need to demonstrate the ability to communicate their design ideas professionally, using a variety of media and techniques.

Subjects include:

  • Graphic Design in Context
  • Translation & Transmission
  • An International Study Tour will be scheduled in Year 2.

Year 3


Through a process of research and discussion with academic staff, students determine a body of self-directed study that allows them to develop a personal area of interest related to the field of Graphic Design. By taking increased responsibility for the management of their own work, students are prepared for life as a professional designer.

The number and content of the projects students undertake in the third year can be negotiated. However, the academic team will offer advice that enables students to develop a portfolio that best supports their career aspirations. It is also essential that students support their dissertations and design projects with a body of thorough and convincing research and development.

Subjects include:

  • Graduation Projects Graphic Design
  • Professional Practice (Graphic Design)
  • Industry Placement [GD]

MPU Subjects

  • Bahasa Kebangsaan A* / Design Thinking
  • Community Service & Co-curriculum
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Ethnic Relations (Local students) / Communicating in Malay 2 (International students)
  • Islamic & Asian Civilisation (Local students) / Malaysian Studies 3 (International students)


Duration of study: 3 years


Campus Intakes

INTI International College Subang .

  • April
  • August
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